Our Vision and Strategy
Local Resources Used
Do not ask what they need but what they already have.
Locally Owned
Never do for others what they can do for themselves.
Only start projects that can be replicated within that region.
Income Generating
Produce more than what it costs with labor well compensated.
Vision: Community development that provides a holistic hope for the future.
Mission: Working with people to discover and steward their God-given resources.
We seek to discover ways to help people help themselves. Poverty usually is much more than a lack of daily bread. Holistic help includes encouraging sustainable solutions that increase the dignity of a people group because they are learning to provide for themselves. Researching a people group's root causes of poverty and learning to ask the right questions is key to finding a pathway for long term solutions. In light of this we engage in the following activities:
Survey and Research
Sustainable Development Solutions develops a general set of research questions to guide the participants in analyzing their own needs and discovering how to use the resources they already have. Survey questions are designed as a means of creating a discussion surrounding the perspective of the participants thoughts and solutions for their own community development.
Language Development
Throughout history the advance of a civilization’s communication systems has proved to be one of the most fundamental cornerstones of progress within that society or language group. Because of this we engage in teaching literacy, translation, and provide tutoring in languages of wider communication such as English. Language development initiatives are foundational for progress and should be viewed as one of the most basic means of advancement.
Savings and Loans
Sustainable Development Solutions seeks to summarize the perspective of a community as it relates to their own conclusions on possible means of community development before beginning saving and loans groups to provide microfinancing. Savings groups that provide accountability and teaching are provided for participants
desiring a loan to start or to expand an agricultural related business.
Appropriate Technology
Small-scale farmers are trained to utilize agricultural tools and solutions that empower them to find sustainable methods for feeding themselves and selling the surplus for reasonable compensation.
Support and Consultation
Hands-on support, resources, and ongoing consultation made available for enterprises undertaken with the goal of training local trainers who then share their knowledge with others.
The Team
Steve Fisher
Elvin Fisher
Mel Stoltzfus
Daniel Martin
Carl Heatwole
Earl Rissler